Versant Solutions
Clinical Evidence
Challenging Times
New Opportunities
Versant Healthcare Competency Solutions is dedicated to the clinical and professional development of the workforce throughout their careers
Competency-based education is a prerequisite to transition to practice. However, experiential and reflective learning that can be assessed, validated, and documented is critical to ensure safe practice.
While other services promise improvements through didactic learning, periodic online courses, and monthly meetings, Versant assists clients in creating a confident and empowered workforce capable of thriving in today’s healthcare environment.
To help clients reach this goal, Versant has created a competency-based framework that fundamentally transforms healthcare using competency profile assessment, remediation, and validation of state-of-
the-art practices that achieve positive patient outcomes. Our integrated, intuitive, and seamless platform allows our partners to validate competencies where they matter most: at the point of care.
For more than twenty years, Versant has remained steadfast in our commitment to evidence-based practice. We measure underlying metrics linked to the success of onboarding new graduate nurses and experienced nurses transitioning into new areas of practice (transition fellows). Programmatic, Individual Clinical Performance, and Work Environment outcomes are analyzed and leveraged to assist our client partners in evaluating successes and opportunities to determine solutions that address the needs and achievements of their workforce.
- Achieving positive outcomes towards patient safety, retention, and workforce development.
- Offering insight and comparisons at the national level reflecting the status of transition to practice and competency management programs.
- Continuously improving feedback and consulting to improve their workforce development strategy.
Versant solutions now include New Graduate Residency, Nurse Transition Fellowship, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Fellowship, Preceptor Role Development, Academic-Practice Bridge Programs for APRNs and New Graduate RNs, Long-Term Care Transition to Practice, Home Health Transition to Practice, Case Management, Competency Currency Management, and Self-Care and Professional Development for the Nursing Workforce. All offerings are customizable to fit the needs of your organization.
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