Versant Solutions

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Long Term Care Transition to Practice Program


Develop Competent Nurses For The Challenge Of Long-term Care

There is a long list of challenges facing skilled and long-term care providers including regulatory scrutiny, employee turnover, and acuity levels of hospital discharges. Versant’s Long-term Care Transition to Practice program helps meet these challenges by developing competent staff who can satisfy the demands of increasingly complex patient care.

Based on 20 years of experience with nurses transitioning to clinical practice, Versant has built a Long-term Care Transition to Practice Program that is built on the same framework but designed specifically for Long-term Acute Care (LTAC) hospitals, free-standing Long-term care facilities and qualifying Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF). Like other Versant solutions, the Long-term Care Transition to Practice Program provides new grad nurses and transitioning nurses with evaluation, focused remediation, and validation of competencies at the point-of-care. For the Long-term Care Transition to Practice program, competencies include core acute care skills and additional specialized skills for non-medical care.

To learn more about Versant’s competency-based system, click here to view an interactive overview.

The Key Elements Ensure That All Nurses Are Competent

  • For new grad residents, the program consists of a nine-month clinical immersion period focused on competency validation and three months of post-immersion supervised independent practice.
  • For transitioning nurses, the program consists of the same, minus post-immersion supervised independent practice.
  • The program includes competency-driven guided clinical immersion and curriculum, as well as formal mentoring and debriefing.
  • An individualized learning plan for competency achievement is based on a multi-level data performance gap analysis process.

Versant Is Focused On Providing Solutions Across The Continuum Of Care

  • Ability to measure and remediate a nurses’ ability to consistently and safely apply clinical knowledge, skills, behavior, and judgment through the use of valid and reliable assessments.
  • Empower nurses to independently respond to urgent patient situations as well as effectively communicate with others within the healthcare team.
  • Ensure that all nurses meet expectations for competent performance.
  • Enable tracking of all nurse’s competency levels.


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